Tuesday 25 March 2014

Final Idea

For my final idea, I decided to create a tree-house/snug area where people are able to sit and relax. The left hand wall is a living plant wall, where as the right hand wall and half the roof are glass, letting in plenty of light and letting the space be a sort of green house or conservatory. Behind the tree which is growing through the building, a small pond lays, it will create soothing noises and contribute to the idea of bringing the outside in. Lastly the outside left hand wall and half of the roof will be covered in a living grass. This is part of the eco building idea and adds another element of nature to the space. 

Tree House Inspiration

For my final design I decided to incorporate a tree house/ snug area. These are a few of the tree houses I liked and looked at, which helped inspire me to create my own.

Monday 24 March 2014

Chosen Idea - Development

Developments of Ideas

I decided to further develop my coloured glass house and pool house ideas. As these two along with my tree house idea were my favourite. 

These sketch up models show my idea of having the whole boat shed as a coloured glass house, so that the natural sun will cast coloured lights throughout the space. Mirrors would then be placed inside the space to create a very interesting effect.

The pool idea consists of a swimmable pool taking up half the boat shed, where as the lower half will be accessible and will let you look up through the pool and the people swimming. This will create a interesting effect as the light coming through the pool will create ripples in the lower room and create a beautiful pattern along the walls. 

Room Concepts

Photoshopped Photos

Saturday 22 March 2014

5 Plans, 5 Sections, 5 Elevations




Experiments - Sectioning fruit

The reason I decided to experiment with fruit, is that fruit come from nature and they grow on trees, and nature is one of my main focus points from my mihimihi. I played with the idea of combining two different things together to create a new thing. Also looking at the idea of making one shape another, with changing its form. Showing that there are many different ways you can interpret a object, and therefore a space.