Thursday, 3 April 2014

Finals after Critique

During our last spatial class, we were asked to critique each others work. These are my reworked pieces after listening to what people say about my final drawings. 

Front Elevation


Sketch - looking out from the tree house

Final drawings

Front Elevation 




Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Sketch Up Video

Since all my textures and 3D warehouse objects did not show up in my Cry engine video properly, I decided to make a simple video of myself looking around my boat shed on Sketch Up, and videoed my screen as I did it.

Draft drawings

Front Elevation

Perspective with elevation
Perspective Drawing


Perspective Section

Plan on Sketchup

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Final Idea

For my final idea, I decided to create a tree-house/snug area where people are able to sit and relax. The left hand wall is a living plant wall, where as the right hand wall and half the roof are glass, letting in plenty of light and letting the space be a sort of green house or conservatory. Behind the tree which is growing through the building, a small pond lays, it will create soothing noises and contribute to the idea of bringing the outside in. Lastly the outside left hand wall and half of the roof will be covered in a living grass. This is part of the eco building idea and adds another element of nature to the space. 

Tree House Inspiration

For my final design I decided to incorporate a tree house/ snug area. These are a few of the tree houses I liked and looked at, which helped inspire me to create my own.